And so, as we travel on along the the south west coast, we finally reach Perth, just in time to visit the Perth Quilt and Craft show. So, having met up with Marion from Strath Matters, a few times already on the way from SA to WA, the two of us braved the WA transport system, and took the train into Perth from Duncraig, as we both just happened to be staying in that same suburb at the same time. We thoroughly enjoyed each others company as we arrived in the city in good time and walked to the

Centre where the show was being held. After locating Jo and Kath at the Rug Hookers stand, we left our bags there (but not our money. You never know what a girl might come across that she deperately needs) and choofed off to check out the variety of goods available. We oohed and aahed a lot but our money stayed in our pockets, except off course to spend on coffee and lunch. We returned to help out for a while at the ARG stand, while admiring the rugs on display. Apart from the fabulous rug, 'Lest we forget', which was hooked in grey scale, by the combined efforts of the Wanneroo Rugmakers Group and designed by Jo, there was also a display of Kira's standing wool rugs, and off course Marion's 'George'. The Wanneroo Rug Makers entry, Ebb and Flow, selected as finalists in the Common Threads Wearable Art Show, was also on display, and a great topic of conversation.
What a fine day we had. Back on the train, we arrived safe and well back in Duncraig, ready for dinner.
The following day, Jerry and I took off from Perth, back home to Melbourne.