Another wonderful get together for the Yarra Valley Rugmakers. Joy started off the day with a dyeing demonstration, after the obligatory cup of coffee and a catchup chat off course. Her 'Dyeing for a Purpose" demonstration for the grass in the meadow for her sheep stair treads she is working on was for the benefit of Sandra, who could only stay for a short time.
Leanne, Robyne and Jen were there as well, so there were a few of us for the most part, with myself (Chris) being away for an extended holiday to the west, visiting various rug making groups along the way.
We all admired the lovely vintage boxes Robyne has made using old art books and vintage cards, with beading from old chandeliers and lovely crocheted edges.
On Saturday Joy and Anne joined by Sandra will demonstrating the art of Rug Hooking at The Westenport Craft Fest in Hastings. We will no doubt hear more on this after the event, so keep an eye on this Blog. Why not pop along and have a look, it promises to be a great event. Check it
Anne' s gorgeous chair pad rug is finished as well. Well done Anne, it looks great, the colours are lovely contrasts beautifully with the background. Pity you have to sit on it though.
The next meeting of the Yarra Valley Rug Makers will be held at Anne's home in Warrandyte.
Till then cheers from the Yarra Valley Rug Makers.