Monday 14 September 2015

September meeting of the Yarra Valley Rug Makers

Well, we certainly chose a most magnificent day to hold our meeting in Loch. It was sunny, with a light breeze and we were able to have the doors wide open in the rug room.

One of our biggest meetings yet, we had nine ladies present on the day, with three new ladies and Jenny's daugher who used the driving time to Loch to get her hours up in preparation for her driver's licence. It was lovely to have Esther with us.Welcome to the Yarra Valley Rug makers Jane, Anne Marie and Christine [not yours truly] and Esther. :)

With the Stitches and Craft show coming up at the Caulfield race course from 22nd to 25th October we had things to talk about; what to ring, volunteers to organize, rugs for display and so on. Click HERE if you want to find out more about the show

Our new member Anne Marie was working on a lovely proggy, while Jane started a small rug of a bird and Christine completing the autumn leaf started at the workshop with Chris.
These ladies certainly catch on quickly. :)
It was great to see Robyne again after some time being absent. She showed us her newest rug designed by herself, which she is hooking on a synthetic backing from Bec Anderson. It is going to be a real show stopper this rug.

Anne was working on her Gene Shepherd, Fowl Mood while Jen continued her Tightrope to the sun rug.
I, Chris seemed to be running around making coffees as we were a little limited in space for the nine of us and it was easier this way. I worked my her oriental rug for about half an hours out of the day I think. But that's OK :)
I also helped Jane get started on her first rug. Some of our women who had not been at the last meeting had a wonderful time going through our bags of woolen fabric donated by Judy from Strath Matters. We have decided that rather than divide it up, it will be there for anyone who needs wool for a particular project to take what they need.
Sandra is coming to the end of her first rug of Shaun the sheep. Looking great Sandra.

Sorry about the messy Blog today. It won't publish how I have arranged it in the draft. Hhhhh

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