Sunday 18 August 2013


Lucky the husband is being nice. Although if he says one more time that I ought to have done a few preliminary drawings, I may have to frighten HIM. Boys always have a solution that would be helpful IF I WAS ASKING FOR ONE!
With all of my vast experience in colour and tone, and with years of teaching how to find your pleasing group of colours and SO ON... EVERY time I delve into a new medium I don't immediately take the knowledge with me.
So, rather than build a pile of colours that look lovely together at the outset, I have followed wrong thinking and ended up with a big pile of... Mud!
I love each and every colour. The tans are just completely gorgeous, and so I enjoy every stitch/hook. I'm immersed in the beauty of the textile and the joy of fibre. Likewise the greens. Yeeuum!
I could go on.
So, note from every class I have taught in 18 years: Begin with the colours (fabrics) you simply MUST use. Then add others to the pile that make these colours look happy. You might want to have a limited palette... or not, but in everything, these colours must be happy together.

I have just removed the whole of the foliage. I haven't liked it ever but didn't listen.
Starting again. At least the background (a must have) and the flowers are almost completed.


  1. Oh dear, you don't sound very happy about it Robyne, but with each step of the way you learn something. You'll put your thinking cap on again and think back to what you originally learnt about colour. You'll then put that with what you have learnt about rug hooking and presto, a master piece in the making. You'll be right girl, you'll get there eventually. I know what it's like to pull out and start again. I had to remove my whole tree on my love rug and re-hook it in a darker value, before I got it right. I was quite happy with the tree until I saw what a difference contrast makes. :))

  2. I love your work think outside the box and I admire that! X
